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Friday, February 13, 2015

AASCU publishes chapter co-authored by Charlotte Melin

AASCU, The American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators has published a 2014 Volume titled Innovation and Accountability in Language Program Evaluation featuring a chapter by the following members of the 2013 SLA Working Group: Carol Klee (Spanish & Portuguese), Charlotte Melin (German, Scandinavian & Dutch) and Daniel Soneson (CLA Language Center). Their chapter is titled “From Frameworks to Oversight: Components to Improving Foreign Language Program Efficacy.” The book can be purchased from CengageBrain.com, which also offers individual chapters for purchase in an eBook format. Details.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Issac Schendel accepts visiting lecturer position

Issac Schendel has accepted a position as visiting lecturer at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie in Germany. He will teach content courses on Medieval German poetry in Spring 2015.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Valentine Pakis (Ph.D, 2008) accepts position as Assistant Professor and Drafting Editor of the Dictionary of Old English

Valentine Pakis (Ph.D, 2008) has accepted a position at the University of Toronto as a new Assistant Professor of Medieval Studies, where he will teach Old Norse and Gothic and serve as Drafting Editor of the Dictionary of Old English.