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Friday, May 18, 2012

James Pasternak defends dissertation

James Pasternak successfully defended his dissertation, entitled "Apocalypse or Utopia: Representations of the Medieval in Nineteenth-Century German Historical Fiction," in May 2012.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Lindsay Lawton awarded GSD's Weiss Fellowship for Fall 2012

GSD is awarding Lindsay Lawton a one-semester Weiss Fellowship to do dissertation research in Fall 2012.

Andrew Patten awarded Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for 2012-13

Andrew Patten has been awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for the 2012-13 academic year from the Graduate School.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Roger Skarsten defends dissertation

Roger Skarsten successfully defended his dissertation, entitled "Singing Arminius, Imagining a German Nation: Narratives of the 'liberator Germaniae' in Early Modern Europe," in May 2012.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Adam Oberlin defends dissertation

Adam Oberlin successfully defended his dissertation, "The Style and Structure of Minnesang," in May 2012.

Hannah Miller awarded 2012-13 CLA Selmer Birkelo Scholarship

Congratulations to Hannah Miller, one of our German majors, who is a recipient of a 2012-13 CLA Selmer Birkelo Scholarship. To be considered for a Birkelo Scholarship, students must be majoring in fields relating to history, modern languages, classics, or the social and behavioral sciences, and must be nominated to the Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs by their major department.