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Friday, March 9, 2012

Arsena Ianeva-Lockney awarded DAAD grant to fund Group Study Visit to Germany

Arsena Ianeva-Lockney has been awarded a DAAD grant to take 12 graduate or advanced undergraduate students of German on a tour of Germany from June 3-13, 2012 on the theme of "Communication and Innovation." Students will be responsible for their transportation costs, but room and board are provided. Interested students should contact Arsena Ianeva-Lockney at ianev001@umn.edu. Deadline: March 26, 2012.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Göran Stockenström receives Career Achievement Award from IHRC

The Immigration History Research Center will honor Göran Stockenström at its annual "Milestones and Merriment" appreciation event. Prof. Stockenström will receive a Career Achievement Award for his many years of contributions to the field of immigration history. The IHRC invites Prof. Stockenström's former students and colleagues to join them in honoring him, along with the other awardees at the event, which will be on Wednesday, March 7 from 4:30 until 7:00pm in 120 Anderson Library.
More information: https://events.umn.edu/019245.